Acorn loves escalators - it took quite a bit of practice to get him accustomed to doing them himself rather than us carrying him, but once he got over his initial fear of the moving steps, he was in love. He could spend an hour going around in circles - up one, and back down the one next to it.
One of his other favorite things is water. Besides all the normal water things, he loves fountains. He's learned to throw pennies in, and I think most of the time, he'd really rather just climb straight into the water rather than sit on the sides.
The other day when he was at home and not feeling well, the afternoon was going better than the morning had, so we went to a nearby high-end shopping mall. This place is so big, there are 3 floors on one side of the street, and 2 on the other, with an enclosed walkway over the 8 lane road...and the walkway includes moving sidewalks. They've got several fountains and reflecting pools in the mall, but the neatest one is a computer controlled fountain that spits water straight up out of jets in various patterns.
So...we went in the 3rd floor. We went down 2 escalators. We spent a good while watching the various fountains. We went back up a floor, and across the walkway, then down in a glass elevator to see the fancy fountain, where Acorn sat for nearly half an hour, just watching. We then rode the escalators there a few times, went back up in the elevator, back across the walkway, and then up one more escalator to go back to our car.
Acorn had the time of his life.
For a kid who was only feeling so-so, it was a lot of walking, but the rest breaks to watch the water were well worth it.
Just another opportunity to remember to be fully present and mindful all the time...
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