Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's complicated....

23 weeks, 2 days. A few little easily controlled glitches, but other than that, Leaf seems to be doing just fine, kicking and squirming to hir heart's content here in my belly. Kicking hard enough that if you're lucky, and in just the right spot, you can feel those kicks from the oustide now.

You know, with Acorn, I think my husband only felt one or two kicks...

By 22 1/2 weeks, Acorn and I were already in trouble, though we didn't know it yet, since my blood pressure was barely controlled with meds (the same medication I'm on right now, with a normal blood pressure most of the time).

With Acorn, I was admitted to labor & delivery "for the duration" at 26 weeks, 2 days - and that duration ended up being less than a week.

It's a complicated feeling, being here in this sort of no-man's-land between when things went badly with Acorn and when he was born, in this completely different pregnancy with a completely different child, under the care of more doctors than I can count on one hand.....

It's terrifying, really. And a relief - and yet there's guilt about that feeling of relief too. And a lot of time spent wishing we could just do one single thing the easy way here- the way normal people do.


  1. I always get a little wonky at the point where we lost our baby at 22w 3d. At this point I'm 26 weeks and 5 days and counting down. My last one came at 34 weeks, and considering this baby's issue, I want him in there for as long as possible.

    It sounds like this pregnancy for normal. And I'd love to tell you to relish that and enjoy. But I know that after a traumatic experience, a follow up pregnancy can be a sort of controlled hysteria.

    Take care of yourself. You're more than halfway there!

  2. I always get a little wonky at the point where we lost our baby at 22w 3d. At this point I'm 26 weeks and 5 days and counting down. My last one came at 34 weeks, and considering this baby's issue, I want him in there for as long as possible.

    It sounds like this pregnancy for normal. And I'd love to tell you to relish that and enjoy. But I know that after a traumatic experience, a follow up pregnancy can be a sort of controlled hysteria.

    Take care of yourself. You're more than halfway there!
