Sunday, December 11, 2011

Trying Something New

I'm struggling a bit with where I want things to go with life, work, and the like. I know I have to go back to work at the end of my leave (at least part time, because OMG the cost of insurance will eat us alive, and if you haven't noticed, we have some medical bills around here that insurance covers, so it's kind of important). That said, I'm mostly enjoying being home with Acorn (and with Leaf when she was home)...and there are doctors and therapists to see, and just a lot to be done that doesn't agree with a full time working schedule. Not to mention that I need to feed my soul - I need to write and create and Circle with others on occasion and do those sorts of things that fill my cup so that I can take care of everyone else.


I've been reading Goddess Leonie's blog for a while, and I love her energy and her approach to life. I love how she manifests things in her life. I've been drooling over her Creating My Goddess Year 2012 workbook too - and debating whether or not to get it because money is tight here, for a few more weeks at least, until insurance money starts rolling in (and hey, at least I got most of those ready to go out in Monday's mail, so I'm making progress, right?).  But I finally decided that it's less than $10, so I'm going for it.

I'm hoping to post some here about it, and likely will post more over on my "more me, less mom" blog, about how it goes as I work through it.

But first, I just have to say that it's as beautiful in person as the pictures on her website suggest:

Here's to 2012 being a little less complicated, eh?

Obligatory disclaimer: I bought myself the book - putting on my oxygen mask first, as most special needs moms are reminded from time to time. I want to join the Goddess Circle, but that will have to wait for insurance money to pay the bills...unless you all click on those affiliate links in this post and buy yourselves some of the lovely stuff Goddess Leonie does so that I get some spending money :)

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