This post is a part of the Special Needs Blog Hop hosted by Autism Learning Felt and Super Mommy to the Rescue
This week's question: Introduce yourself & your blog so we can get to know you
I'm a full time working Pagan mama to Acorn, a medically fragile toddler. He has a tracheostomy, spent most of his first 18 months on a ventilator, and still sleeps with oxygen, but we're hoping to be trach free next year. He has a gtube (and gets less than 10% of his calories that way - a big improvement from being 100% gtube fed due to oral aversions) - his favorite food these days is tomatoes, with pepperoni being a close second. He wears an AFO and has some left side weakness that therapy is helping with. He has some sensitivities to textures and sounds but not enough for a diagnosis of anything. I blog about being a special needs parent, being a Pagan parent, and how the two overlap, along with blogging about more typical things in our day to day life - my addiction to cloth diapers, our potty training odyssey, the stresses of being a working mom, and more.
Thanks for joining us in the blog hop. Positive thoughts that the trach comes out next year :) Looking forward to reading more of your blog.