Oh yay, spring birthday season (we have 1 child in late May, one in mid-June, and my mother-in-law in June too) is over. Father's day is done too. But that's not all that's kept us busy.
There's been urgent letters to the school asking why Acorn hasn't had an AAC evaluation yet, and how that impacts his IEP....and arrangements to meet with a lawyer, who it looks like will be following along back stage, and putting us in touch with a good advocate. Expensive, but....gosh I feel better having explained the whole situation with the school's anti-ASL stance and their lack of progress on goals that Acorn has already met at home, and having him backed up my feelings about the situation. I walked out of our meeting with suggestions in hand....so that was well worth the hour drive each way and the not insignificant check I wrote for the privilege.
There's been a push for us to provide Acorn with a stand-in AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) device until the school or private therapy (or both) got around to doing something along those lines, so we ended up buying him a Nook and installing Tap to Talk. Now to get him to use it....
Acorn has been discharged from PT and OT, with loads of instructions on things he needs to practice at home. He's also had his last day of school for the year, and been set up to go to Extended School Year (ESY) - the special ed version of summer school - though it seems quite useless, being 90 minutes twice a week.
Leaf is making strides too - not quite sitting, but close, and mimicking everything and anything. And eating baby food- who'd'a thunk it?
There's also been a lot of running around, trying to figure out what projects need to be done during my 4th of July week of forced vacation. My husband may be taking that week off too, so it's looking like power washing & staining the deck, and replacing the water heater, dishwasher, and freezer are all on the list. We're still running on the used water heater a friend installed when ours went out about 2 years ago. The dishwasher leaves dirty dishes frequently. And we will likely be giving our current freezer to K, and replacing it with a bigger one so that we can work on eating out less.
And I've been writing stuff for MoonDaySchool.com, which you should check out if you haven't already.
Plus, you know, normal things like sleeping and eating and changing diapers and going to work and all....because we don't have enough going on as it is.
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